Our commitment to the environment

We are very attentive to the quality of our environment.
We chose healthy and natural materials, Naturals range of products, and ecological cleaning.
We participate in selective sorting and all our lighting is Led or bulbs low consumption.
The heating and hot water of our Spa and part of our building benefit from geothermal energy.
For the quality of your sleep, the rooms are kept at a temperature of 21 °.
Your radiator, from this temperature reached, regulates automatically.
To avoid freezing radiators, we thank you NOT to OPEN the windows, but to lower the thermostat to the desired temperature.
We hope that you will participate in our commitment and respect our green key label. [/ Vc_column_text]

Help us conserve water resources.
1 towel = 6 liters of water.
Only towels left on the floor will be changed, or your towels will be changed every third day.
However, we are at your disposal for a change on your request.